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"Pastime with Good Company", also known as "The King's Ballad" ("The Kynges Balade"), is an English folk song written by King Henry VIII in the beginning of the 16th century, shortly after his coronation. It is regarded as the most famous of his compositions, and it became a popular song in England and other European countries during the Renaissance. It is thought to be written for Catherine of Aragon.

Pastime With Good Company by Henry VIII - Trombone Quartet

SKU: TBN04-0014

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    Pastime With Good Company for Trombone Quartet

    composed by Henry VIII

    arranged by Matt Smith


    Video Demo



    "Pastime with Good Company", also known as "The King's Ballad" ("The Kynges Balade"), is an English folk song written by King Henry VIII in the beginning of the 16th century, shortly after his coronation. It is regarded as the most famous of his compositions, and it became a popular song in England and other European countries during the Renaissance. It is thought to be written for Catherine of Aragon.


    1st Trombone

    2nd Trombone

    3rd Trombone

    Bass Trombone


    Easy - Grade 1-3
    Intermediate - Grade 4-6
    Hard - Grade 6-8
    Advanced - Grade 8+


    Contact Matt if you need a part transposing differently, and he can easily make them for you.

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